Sitemap in Webpage Design and its Benefits
Sitemap is a page where all pages of a website links are available for visitor and user reference. It is the collection of web pages of a website in a hierarchical order. Sitemap is basically a webpage, which consists of directories, links and various information files. Sitemaps are basically three types like indexed, full categorical and restricted categorical. The indexed sitemap appears like a directory or alphabetical listing. The full categorical sitemap displays the categorized links and the restricted categorical sitemap displays links belonging to some particular category.
Sitemaps are basically two types from SEO points of view. One is HTML sitemap and another is XML sitemap. HTML sitemap are the normal sitemap through which all the pages of a website are linked and xml site map is the collection all pages list with xml format. The xml site map is very useful for SEO and the Normal site map is very useful for users to know all pages of website.
Let check the benefits of sitemaps:
Both HTML and XML sitemap are helpful for website in making the website SEO. Through sitemap Google can easily enter to the website and helps in quick indexing of websites. We are into the software development and digital marking section from 2010. We are dedicatedly helping our customer as per their requirements. Within this period we have great success in digital marketing services.
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