Web Development And Online Marketing Blog

PHP Development

Choose the Best php Development Services from Converthink Solutions

Now a Day the New Technologies are coming in the updated and  advanced mode, competition among the web developing companies and web developers is increasing consistently. Struggle for existence has become the most important factor for now days and only the fittest of all can survive in such a situation. PHP or Hypertext Preprocessor has stood as a strong contender in this competitive market, and hence is being used most by the web users with Open Source flexibility.
Now, let's as [...]
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PHP Development

AJAX Implementation to PHP App Make Highly Responsive

Ajax is a group of interconnected Web development techniques used on the client-side to create asynchronous Web applications. It is not the programming language but it can be used in a new way to the existing standard. It is the art of exchanging data with server and updating some part of webpage without reloading the whole web page. It has become the integral part of website rapidly. It not only provides better interactivity but also reload the dynamic content of a web page quickly than the tra [...]
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